Monday, April 29, 2013

Update: April 29

Chase had his 6th surgery on Friday April 26th. The surgery went well,no issues. He had a rough weekend, but is doing better now. We are praying for a swift recovery and no other unexpected issues. We thank God for giving us such a strong baby.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pictures of our Big Boy!

Update: April 18

Chase continues to do very well! He is now up to 50cc's on his feeds and he is loving it! He weighs 6lbs 8oz now! He has one more surgery to get the VP Shunt and that is the only thing keeping us from going home. We are trying to find out when they plan on doing the surgery. We will keep you posted. We have come so far and we cannot Thank GOD enough!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Update: April 14

Chase had his first round of immunization shots and he had a rough couple of days. They had to put him back on oxygen to keep him stable. He is now doing much better and back to his normal self. April 12th was actually his due date and he graduated to a big boy bed! He's in a crib now and loving it! They continue to increase his feeds. His belly is healing nicely from the surgery and his bowels are functioning properly. He gets bigger each day. He is now 6lbs 2oz!!! We have truly come a long way. We are Blessed!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Update: April 8

Chase continues to do well. He is becoming more alert each day. He is also doing well with holding his head up on his own. They continue monitoring the fluid on his head by doing a head ultrasound each week. Although he is now 3 months 2 days, they are planning on giving him his 2 month immunization shots. They decided to delay them due to his back to back surgeries. Please continue praying for our sweet Angel.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Update: April 4

Chase is back drinking from his bottle. They are starting him off slow since he just had surgery on his belly. They are giving him 3cc's every 3hours. He remembers how to do it, he just has to get use to it again. They pulled fluid from his VAD and he continues to do well. God continues to Bless us!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Update: April 1

Chase is breathing on his own again. They are trying to figure out when they will resume his feedings. He continues to heal daily. He's our little miracle baby.