Thursday, June 6, 2013

Getting Adjusted to being at HOME!

Chase has been home a little over a Month now and we are still getting adjusted. He had his days and night mixed up for a long time, but he's doing much better now. When he left the hospital, he was 7lbs. We had a slight problem getting him to gain weight due to a combination of things. His formula did not agree with his stomach and he has reflux, so he was spitting up most of his bottles. He lost weight at first, so his pediatrician put him on medication for the reflux, which he should outgrow, and changed his formula. He is keeping his milk down, so he is gaining weight now. He is up to 7lbs, 10oz. His pediatrician also said we could start adding a little cereal to a couple of his bottles as well as giving him a little water a day- Chase loves them both! Chase is so funny for several reasons...I will Never forget the day we brought him home. We pulled into the garage and as soon as we put the car in park, it sounded like something EXPLODED in his diaper. I guess that was his way of saying, "Mom and Dad, I'm HOME". Honestly, it was the biggest bowel movement I have ever seen from such a small creature, but we laughed about it. He began screaming, so Ryan laid him on the bed and held his paci in his mouth, while I changed his diaper-Teamwork! We knew he loved his paci while he was in the hospital, but we had no idea how serious he was about it. Chase and his paci are two peas in a pod! If his paci falls out of his mouth, Chase screams like his world has ended and then all is well again once they are reunited. Chase dislikes when I sneeze, diaper changes, changing clothes and taking baths. He does not like sleeping in his crib or bassinet, so depending on what Chase wants-the swing, bouncie chair, our bed or my chest is where he sleeps. Chase loves being held, someone patting his bottom and being sung to. He is becoming more alert every day and is doing a great job holding his head up. We are so excited about Chase being home! We thank God everyday.