Sunday, February 10, 2013

1 Month Old

Wednesday Feb 6th. Chase was 1 month old! He did well all day. Around 6PM, he began having episodes where he would stop breathing and his heart rate would drop. They soon realized he had an infection from the VAD that they put in his head. They told us that it was not uncommon for an infection to develop because it was a foreign object and his body was rejecting it. They placed him on antibiotics and said they would watch him for a few days to see if the infection improved. They told us that if it did not improve, they would have to go back in and remove the VAD. Today is Sun Feb 10th and Chase is still not feeling well. They will decide within the next day or so if they will be removing the VAD. Praying that our baby feels better soon...

1 comment:

  1. Praying that baby Chase gets to feeling better soon. Aunti Eb and the girls love him very much and if anything is ever needed do not hesitate to call. PRAYERS GOING UP!
