Sunday, February 10, 2013

Things suddenly changed

It was Sunday Jan 6th and I was stable all during the day. Around 9:30PM, I began experiencing extremely painful contractions. I was 26 weeks and 2 days. They were going to make another attempt to hold them off, but my contractions were coming very fast and very strong, so they called for an emergency c-section. They rolled me back in the OR and as they prepared to cut, my Dr checked and I had already dilated to 10cm, I was complete. They had me push and Chase was out in a matter of minutes. Chase Anthony Jeans was born Sunday January 6, 2013 at 10:53PM. He was 2lbs 5.8oz and 14 inches. He came out crying and eyes wide open. God is so AMAZING!They initially told us that he was big for 26 weeks and very fiesty. We found out on Thurs Jan 10th that Chase suffered from one of the side effects of the medication they gave him to close the ducts to his heart. They said he showed no visible signs of any issues, it was only when they did a routine x-ray that they noticed a small bubble. The side effect was a spontaneous intestinal preferation(a small hole in his intestine), which required surgery. They transported him to LeBonheur for the procedure, which only took about 30 minutes because the tear was very minor. They told us they would go back in to close him up in 6-8 weeks, so we knew there would have to be a follow up surgery. His recovery was going well, no issues. He was gaining weight and things were looking good. They did a routine head ultrasound on Fri Jan 11th and notified us on Sat Jan 12th that Chase had bleeding on his brain. Grade 4 is the most severe and he has a grade 2 on one side and a grade 4 on the other. They told us that there was a chance that he would not be able to use the entire left side of his body, he might not be able to walk, talk or learn. On Monday Jan 14th, they did another ultrasound and said the bleed was in an unusual spot, but it was not as bad as they originally thought. Through all of it, Chase had remained very alert, active and responsive. They continued to monitor it to see if the fluid would simply resolve on its own. On Monday Jan 28th the Dr told us that they would more than likely have to do surgery on his head because his ventricals were beginning to get larger, so they wanted to prevent any further damage. They told us that they would place a VAD in his head, under the skin, so they could manually drain any fluid when needed. He would eventually need a Shunt, which is permanent and also be under the skin. The shunt would automatically pump fluid from his head into his belly and it would be absorbed there. He was too small for a shunt, which is why they decided they would need to do the VAD initially. They did the surgery on Wed Jan 30th and it only took about 15 minutes. The surgeon came out and told us that Chase did well and there were no issues. They did another head ultrasound and told us that they did not have to drain any fluid from the VAD in his head and it appeared his head was improving on its own. They said they would continue to monitor it, but they were hopeful that he may not even need the Shunt afterall.  Chase continues to make progress, God has given us a little fighter.  He continues to grow and his lungs are getting stronger each day. We do not know what the future holds, but we do know God is in complete control and we Believe in His Healing power. We do not allow the enemy to bring doubt or worry in our minds, we are in constant prayer, so we are positive and in good spirits. Our Faith and our Strength is renewed everyday and through it ALL, we are truly Blessed.

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